Interview with Shauna Allen

As soon as I picked up Shauna's Charlie's Angel novella and started reading, I was completely and utterly captivated by Charles and Kami's story. I finished it in one sitting and like a good addict, I went back for the rest of the Cupid Chronicles... and the rest is history. The series was fun, poignant, and unlike anything else I'd come across. Really, what's not to love about tattooed hotties and the somewhat goofy but dedicated Angels assigned by the Man upstairs to set them up with their soul mates?

Cupid's Last Stand (the fourth and final book in the Chronicles) was released last Tuesday and over the weekend, I had the opportunity to catch up with the lady herself.

For those who don’t know you yet, could you please tell us a little about yourself and how you started writing? Was there anyone who inspired you to become an author?

I am a proud only child of two awesome parents, and though we travelled the world a bit when I was young, I was primarily raised in Central Texas.  I am an Aussie hybrid with an Australian mother and American father.  I've always had a bit of a creative streak, but I didn't seriously dabble in writing until I was an adult, though I've always loved a great love story.  I was hooked after I read my first romance novel and plots began to churn through my head.  Finally, in July 2007, I sat my butt down and wrote one. Then three. Eventually, I learned a thing or two and got published.  For inspiration, I did meet several wonderful people at my local RWA Chapter, but the first romance writer than I went fangirl for was Kristan Higgins...she even corresponded with me when I wrote my first ever fan mail and asked for her suggestions as I got started. :) 

We all know that Gerad Butler is your celeb crush. What was the first movie you saw with him in it? For the record, I’m guessing it’s 300!

You would be absolutely right!  300 is still my favorite movie...and not just because of Gerry!  After that, I made it my mission to watch every movie he was in, even the small ones.  Le Sigh.

Now, if you ever got to spend the day with him what would you do together and where would you go?

Well, I'm assuming this happens in a different world where I'm not married?  LOL!  If so, I'm not sure I'd particularly care where we went or what we did.  I'd just be happy to look at him and listen to that accent.  Again, le sigh.

How do you balance your professional life with the demands of being a wife and mother? 

Ah, not always easy.  I wear many hats: wife, mother of three, Labor & Delivery nurse, author as two personas, editor and assistant to two NYT Bestselling authors.  I don't have a secret, I just work hard...everyday.  If I'm not at the hospital, I'm on my computer taking care of my writing business.  I have to make myself carve out personal and family time. But, as my writing career is growing, it's getting a bit trickier. That's why I finally broke down and hired an assistant.  Kim has been a God-send! 

What gave you the idea for the Cupid Chronicles? Why did you choose to write about Angels?

Good question. I actually didn't set out to write about angels or cupids or anything paranormal. It's not typically my genre of choice.  I think they found me in a stroke of love from God. Honestly.  One day, I was tinkering around as I tried to write something new.  Though I'm a plotter to the max, I let myself just free write whatever came to mind.  Well, that sexy prologue to Inked by an Angel came out.  Including Jed's famous line: "The Angel made me do it."  I sat back and thought "What?  What Angel?"  After some thought, Michael was born, as was that book and the entire series. I couldn't be happier with it!

Do you have a connection to Native Americans, Shauna? What is it about them and their culture that you admire?

Great question. I've never been asked this!  I guess the answer is yes and no.  I am something like 1/32 Cherokee on my father's side, and while that's not much, I've always thought their culture is so lovely and interesting with their love for the Earth.  And, let's be honest, they can have some really good looking men.

In Cupid’s Last Stand, we get to catch up with all of your couples, with the exception of Charles and Kami. Can you maybe spoil us and reveal anything about what they’re up to now?

LOL!  You're right.  I wanted to make sure all my couples were in there, but there really was no way to bring Charles and Kami in.  Well, of course they're still enjoying their happy-ever-after and I'm sure Kami has given birth to a beautiful baby by now.  Maybe they're working on another?

If The Cupid Chronicles had a message, what do you think it would be? What kind of experience did you want to create for your readers?

I've only ever wanted to create a fun, sexy read with a big helping of emotion.  I want people to love my characters like I do and enjoy themselves when they read my stories.  Each book has its own theme, but if I had to name one message for the entire series, it would probably be the healing power of love and being true to yourself.

Describe your perfect writer’s retreat

 I take writers retreats whenever I can with my two besties, Jan Nash and Susan Muller.  We've gone to wooded retreats and lake houses.  I also get a ton of writing done at my parents' Texas Hill Country home.  But, if I get to pick a perfect dream retreat, I'd love to go to a beautiful beach retreat with views of the ocean.

If you could spend a day with anyone (other than Gerard!) and go anywhere for a day, who and where would it be and why?

Sorry, Gerry!  I think I'd have to pick my hubs.  It's been a long time since we've been able to do anything alone, so I'd love to take him to someplace really beautiful like Tahiti. 

What would be your dream event to attend as an author?

I don't know!  There are so many wonderful choices.  But, I'd really like to make it to RT next year.  It looks like a lot of fun and very interactive with readers.  Plus, it'll be in Dallas, so I have a good shot at making it!


Cupid's Last Stand is now available on Amazon



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