Cupid's Last Stand (The Cupid Chronicles #4) by Shauna Allen

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Michael is back!!!
When the town of New Destiny is rocked by an earthquake, Tristan Blackfeather decides to gather his crew together and head there to help out with the rebuilding effort. As fate would have it, he comes face to face with the girl he fell head over heels in love with as a sixteen year old... and had to leave. Darby Deveraux was deeply hurt by Tristan's abandonment but now that he's returned, she can't deny that her feelings for him are even stronger than they were back then. Sparks between them fly, but can they make it work the second time around?
Oh, Tristan, Tristan... I alternated between wanting to hug him and the urge to shake him and yell "get it together!". He's a sweetheart but because of his abandonment issues (due to his biological father's rejection) he finds it hard to believe that he could be worthy of being loved. Naturally, his feelings for Darby terrify him because of his insecurities and he does his best to keep her at arm's length. Emotionally that is... on a physical level, his attraction to her is too much to resist. That's when the fun starts...
Darby was a strong woman and easy to like. For the sake of her late father, she does her best to keep his construction business running and she's never allowed diabetes to stop her from living. She was a perfect match for Tristan and their relationship was so passionate that I could feel every emotion they went through. Every. One.
"Over and over, he swore he was coming back for her, just like he'd promised that night in the motel room. Over and over, he asked her to write back. Eventually, he was practically begging, seeking reassurance of their relationship. Telling her how much he loved her. How much he missed her. What that summer meant to him. He'd laid it all out there for her. Letter after letter. Until they stopped."
Yep, I was sobbing in the fetal position by that point.
We also get the romance between Tristan's friend Ryan and Darby's bestie, Kai. It was incredibly sweet and endearing and I adored them together!
I only had one issue with the story - Michael was on his own this time. I loved the camaraderie between the Angels in the previous books so I really missed it. For me, it just wasn't quite the same without their shenanigans (Uriel behaving badly, anyone?)
Still, Shauna knows how to write a killer story and I wasn't left disappointed at all. I'm sad that we've come to the end of the series but rest assured that the Angels are going out with a bang.
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