Four Weddings and a Fiasco: The Wedding Date by Katy Regnery

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was the perfect example of why I love Katy's writing so much! I opened my Kindle meaning to just finish the first chapter... and then finished the book with tears in my eyes and a big, goofy grin on my face.
The Wedding Date focuses on Jasmine and Robert, who meet at her sister's wedding and have an immediate, mutual attraction. Robert is looking for that one special girl and as soon as he lays eyes on Jasmine, he realises that he could well have found her. Jasmine never knew the love of her father and is too afraid of being hurt to allow herself to believe in the possibility of a happily ever after. Can Robert get her to open her heart?
This story was everything I've come to expect from Katy. It was adorable, sensual, and incredibly touching. Despite their moments, I liked that they did think and behave like rational people. I could identify with both Jasmine and Robert and I thought they were well deserving of a good break.
If you're a fan already, The Wedding Date is a must read. If not, you should give it a try... and see if you can't help yourself believing that fairy tales really do happen to ordinary people.
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