Bloodline (Forgotten Origins Trilogy #1) by Tara Ellis

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Sixteen-year-old Alex has always suspected her father’s death wasn’t random, but she never guessed how deep the mystery runs or what it involves. When a rare meteor shower is followed by a highly contagious infection, the people she once knew so well start acting like they have a similar purpose that doesn’t include her. Alex can now only rely on her friend Chris and loyal dog Baxter as she plunges into a strange, new world predestined since ancient times. Wandering the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, deciphering cryptic messages left by her father, desperately searching for a cure-will Alex have the courage and faith to even survive?
Bloodline is the first book of the Forgotten Origins Trilogy.
When a 'flu' pandemic spreads across the planet following a meteor shower, Alexandria (Alex) Mubarak quickly realizes that there's something going on behind the scenes... and it isn't good. Teaming up with her friend, Chris, Alex and little brother Jacob fall 'down the rabbit hole' into a mysterious world of secret societies, ancient technology, and encounters of the third kind. With only her father's notebook to guide them, will they have what it takes to save the world?
Alex was a likeable lead and a brave young woman. The fate of mankind is practically on her shoulders but she rises to the challenge and commits herself to doing whatever needs to be done. She has a very sweet bond with Jacob, who's much smarter than people would expect of a boy his age. I really like reading about close sibling relationships so it endeared them to me.
Refreshingly, this book has no romance whatsoever but Chris is a good guy (and a real catch!) and I can see the possibility of something developing between him and Alex in the sequels. The story is compelling enough as it is so I don't think that there was much of a loss.
If you're into YA lit, you'll probably enjoy Bloodlines. It's an action packed, fast paced thriller that will keep adults and teens alike turning pages obsessively.
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