Sabriel (Abhorsen #1) by Garth Nix

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Sent to a boarding school in Ancelstierre as a young child, Sabriel has had little experience with the random power of Free Magic or the Dead who refuse to stay dead in the Old Kingdom. But during her final semester, her father, the Abhorsen, goes missing, and Sabriel knows she must enter the Old Kingdom to find him. She soon finds companions in Mogget, a cat whose aloof manner barely conceals its malevolent spirit, and Touchstone, a young Charter Mage long imprisoned by magic, now free in body but still trapped by painful memories. As the three travel deep into the Old Kingdom, threats mount on all sides. And every step brings them closer to a battle that will pit them against the true forces of life and death—and bring Sabriel face-to-face with her own destiny.
With Sabriel, the first installment in the Abhorsen trilogy, Garth Nix exploded onto the fantasy scene as a rising star, in a novel that takes readers to a world where the line between the living and the dead isn't always clear—and sometimes disappears altogether.
'Cause this is Thriller...
You know I love a strong female lead and Sabriel was smart, brave and very real. In some respects, she's a normal 18 year old girl finding her feet but when her destiny comes calling, she steps right up to the plate.
Essentially, she's a necromancer of sorts charged with using the magic to make sure that the dead in the Old Kingdom stay buried. Typical necromancers just don't raise the dead... they enslave them body and spirit to do their bidding. Would I want to live in a world where this could happen to me? Definitely not.
It's a dark and sometimes terrible reality but despite that, the story does offer hope. What you'll take away from it is the lesson that love is a force as strong as death and capable of overcoming fear and hate.
If zombie hordes, action, and sweet romance appeal to you, you're going to love Sabriel!
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