Passing Notes by D.G. Driver

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Mark has finally gotten the attention of the girl of his dreams. Only, his lame attempts at romance through texts and emails seem to be turning her off. When he gets put in the back of the room in an over-full class at school, he begins to discover old notes giving advice about how to write a great love letter. At first he thinks he’s stumbled on some long-forgotten notes passed in class ages ago, but every time he reads them they seem directed specifically to him. They also appear at the perfect moment each time he needs more advice. It’s like someone is haunting him.
How do the notes keep appearing? Who’s writing them? Why?
And if Mark follows the ghostly writer’s advice, will he win Bethany’s love?
Passing Notes is about Mark, a below-average guy doing his best to pursue Bethany, who happens to be one of the most popular and beautiful girls in his high school. Their new relationship seems to be fizzling out and Mark is clueless as to why... until a mysterious presence makes it his mission to help him seal the deal. Can Mark learn from his mistakes and use the advice he's given to build a lasting love?
The subtle moral of this novella is that love can only grow when we put some thought and effort into it. With the use of texting and social media these days, it's easy to become lazy and complacent in our relationships so I honestly believe that this should be required reading for any young (or young at heart) person in your life. It might even save a few marriages.
Oh, and you'll probably be able to guess who the ghost is but the confirmation provided one of the most powerful moments of the story. Ms. Driver proves once again that she's an author to watch!
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