Goddess by Callista Hunter

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Olivia is a sixteen-year-old Vestal Virgin, a happy devotee of her beloved goddess Vesta in her home nation of Parcae. But when her faith in Vesta is shaken, Olivia illegally experiments with her own divine power, making a discovery that could save her country from war - if she's brave enough to share it.
After an accidental revelation proves Vesta is fake, Olivia and her fellow Virgins are tempted by a charismatic academy boy, Cassius, to invoke the real gods. Although they risk death if they are discovered, Olivia and her friends test their skills in secret experiments. But their games take an unexpected turn when flighty blonde Lucia reveals surprisingly deadly powers.
Gaius, a brilliant military student, must protect the girls and plan for war against an enemy nation while ignoring his growing attachment to Olivia. As a Vestal Virgin she has taken a holy vow of chastity, and the consequences of breaking it are severe...
Set in a country evocative of Ancient Rome, Goddess is the story of three feisty young Vestal Virgins discovering their true power.
Damned if they do, damned if they don't...
As Parcae comes under threat from neighbours intent on conquest, Olivia, Marta, and Lucia are recruited to invoke the blessing and power of the gods to save their nation from destruction. The catch? Invocation is forbidden for anyone but male priests and the punishment for them breaking the law is sure to be a fast execution. Even if the girls can win the battle, will their service be enough to keep them alive when powerful men are out for blood?
I loved the sweet relationship between Gaius and Olivia and all the more so because they're two people who could never have been together. The punishment for getting too close to a Vestal is horrific but Gaius took the risk of caring for her anyway and I can't imagine any woman being immune to that kind of devotion. He's definitely book boyfriend material!
4/5 stars for originality and because the characters were real enough for me to get attached to them.
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