Kid's Corner: The Missing Pillow by Nadav Sham

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Like many kids, Brian the bunny loves his pillow. But there’s one problem… it’s gone missing! The Missing Pillow is a delightfully illustrated children’s book, a warm tale that both you and your child will enjoy and love, about five friends who go in search of a lost pillow. Will they find it? And what will they do next? Here, you will find an adventure that is true to the best traditions of storytelling. It has all the elements of a good story: five good friends, humor, appealing descriptions, a mystery to be solved, a journey, teamwork and friendship, kindheartedness and generosity. The charming illustrations will draw you in, and are perfect for promoting discussion and vocabulary, while the story, told in verse, will enchant you. The Missing Pillow is the first in a series of books for young children, (Adventure and Friendship Children’s Books), each dealing with one of those dilemmas we all meet at some point in life, and providing an answer. This is a perfect book for bedtime and will leave you wanting more.
When Brian the Bunny finds a much loved pillow missing from his bed one day, he decides to go out and search for it. When others offer to help him, he's taught a few valuable lessons about friendship and kindness along the way. We've already seen what happened to the pillow but what will Brian decide to do when he finds it?
This little gem of a story is one parents and kids alike are sure to love! It has lovely, bright illustrations and some wonderful messages for your little ones. It's one I'd have no reservations recommending to families and I'm proud to have it as a part of a collection for my own brood.
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