Book Blitz: The Daughter Claus by D. Thrush
Title: The Daughter Claus
Author: D. Thrush
"Get in the mood for the holidays with this fun story for adults of all ages. Tina Claus has Daddy issues but takes over Christmas when Santa wants to retire and Nick, Jr. rejects his legacy so he can be a rock star. Now she has to deal with belligerent reindeer, a long distance relationship, an old boyfriend, her best friend’s drama and too many Peppermintinis at the Pub. Humor, romance, girl power and a little Christmas magic make this story a must for your holiday reading!"
"Santina had Daddy issues. Her earliest memory was of a dark, cold night. She was running frantically through the house barefoot on the cool wood of the floor in her red and green flannel pajamas.
“Daddy! Daddy!” she cried out with the desperation of a small child. A feeling of panic was welling within her as she ran as fast as her little feet could through the house heading towards the back door where she sensed he was leaving. Her mother dashed behind her imploring her to stop before she hurt herself.
“Daddy!” she screamed as she reached the door and pulled it open with her little hands. A freezing gust of wind threw her back into her mother’s arms. She could hear the stamping of hooves and the snorting of the huge animals. She watched as the tremendous sleigh began to glide across the snow. It swiftly gained momentum and then lifted up. A great shadow moved across the ground as it rose up into the darkness of the sky. They watched the silhouette pass across the brightness of the moon. The snow glistened in the moonlight below.
“Daddy,” she sniffled as her mother rocked her in her protective embrace.
Then she heard her father’s voice echo in the night. “Ho! Ho! Ho!” He so loved his work."

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