Riot of Storm and Smoke (Threats of Sky and Sea #2) by Jennifer Ellision

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
War draws closer, like a tide to the shore.
Bree and her friends have escaped the clutches of the Egrian King, but their troubles are far from over. Still reeling from the secrets that drew new breath when her father took his last, Bree sets off for the safety of Nereidium-- the kingdom she's just learned is hers.
But with the King's ire at its peak and war a certainty, Nereidium is no longer safe. As Prince Caden rallies the Egrian people against his tyrant father, Bree, Princess Aleta, and Tregle race to the Nereid shore to warn them of the incoming danger—and to put the Nereid Princess on the throne.
The only trouble there: Bree can’t bring herself to reveal that the Princess is her.
It’s not a dilemma she can waste time pondering. With a new weapon in his arsenal, the King's strikes are sure to be bolder than ever before. And Bree may not be ready to wear a crown… but she won't let her kingdom down without a fight.
If you thought death would be the end of a woman like Kat, guess again! Before you get into this, you might want to read the Sisters of Wind and Flame novella if you haven't already... just saying. She's a character that needed some kind of redemption and I felt that the author did a wonderful job with showing the more human side of her.
While Riot did drag slightly in places, it suffered from none of the problems that usually plague middle books. There was character development, plenty of action, and thankfully, NO cliffhanger. There's a nice set up for the conclusion of the series but it's nothing that will leave you feeling cheated or ticked off.
If you're a lover of YA lit, you won't be disappointed with this one.
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